Photography is something I enjoy doing. I love to show people how beautiful they look in my pictures!

A Little Bit About Me...

My favorite things....

My husband. My 2 beautiful girls. Laughing. Singing in the car. Glee. Bonfires. Drinking wine with friends. Grandma's chicken & dumplings (actually anything she cooks is amazing). Long weekends. So You Think You Can Dance. Sleeping with the windows open. Dancing around the house when I think no one is watching. Snuggling on the couch on a cold night. Running out of work at 8pm on a Thursday. Vacation. Hot chocolate with Bailey's & whipped cream (of course). Chocolate chip cookies. Holding my nephew. Hearing Maddie's real laugh. Fat Frank (my cat). A hot shower.

Do you know what my most favorite thing is? Making you look your absolute best in your pictures & having a good time doing it. I can't wait to show you how good you look in my pictures.